Darlington Classes
Group Fitness classes are currently following social distance protocols. Be sure to bring a towel with you when you come to the gym.
Strength, Core & More @ 6PM
Monday & Wednesday
with Pam
Join us for a mixture of skills building and high intensity circuit training -- making for both a fun and challenging experience. The intensity of the session can be modified for all fitness levels. Kettlebell training will build long lean muscles, improve strength and power, and increase coordination, mobility and overall endurance.
Bootcamp @ 7:30PM
Monday (7:30PM) & Wednesday (7PM)
with Jermal
Real Serious Boot camp is a combination of cardio, agility, and strength. Workouts are mostly body weight exercises in a circuit with little rest. Dynamic stretches begin the workout and end with stretching to complete the superhuman experience.
Strength, Core & More @ 6PM
Monday & Wednesday
with Pam
Join us for a mixture of skills building and high intensity circuit training -- making for both a fun and challenging experience. The intensity of the session can be modified for all fitness levels. Kettlebell training will build long lean muscles, improve strength and power, and increase coordination, mobility and overall endurance.
Bootcamp @ 7:30PM
Monday (7:30PM) & Wednesday (7PM)
with Jermal
Real Serious Boot camp is a combination of cardio, agility, and strength. Workouts are mostly body weight exercises in a circuit with little rest. Dynamic stretches begin the workout and end with stretching to complete the superhuman experience.
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